Wednesday 29 August 2012

Dark Side :(

Being sick, isolating yourself and being alone with your thoughts can be unhealthy.

I met with my Lawyer because he recieved my disclosure on my case... and ofcourse all those thoughts are now running through my head. I hate not knowing what is going to happen and waiting for the verdict. It makes me so nervous and makes me feel sick. I thought I got over the whole DUI Depression but it seems that its making its way back. I start to hate myself all over again and want to wake up from this terrible nightmare.

Even someone as optimistic as me is starting to worry. I am grateful that I didn't kill anyone and yes I have definitley learned such a big lesson but its just so hard to deal with. I start to have feelings of worthlessness and start remembering that I am in fact, a convict! How terrible does that sound? I never thought this day would come, ever. I really am hoping my trial goes well and that everything will be back to normal. The good news is that I can start driving again very soon and I cannot wait for that moment.


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