Sunday 19 August 2012


I realized that soon after everything with Mike that I have been thinking about Rob and the possibility of reconciliation. I have also realized that it is absolutely normal for me to be thinking back on Rob because of this new man... its human nature to compare. I have been guilty of acting out on my thoughts of Rob and it has only lead me to realize one thing..... he doesn't care, and its time to move on.

I finally had an awakening today and feel the need to move on mentally too. My family still thinks I am with Rob because I don't have the heart to tell them I'm not. I have decided that this week I will tell my family the truth about Rob. The reason why I held back was because I never wanted anyone to think badly of him in case we did get back together.

Moving on means going full force. If I'm going to make this choice, I'm going to do it right. I have started by deleting his phone number from his phone today (which took a lot), but it is a start.

I am kind of excited to move on and see what else is out there........ weird, but it's something new for me.


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