Tuesday 3 July 2012

Get To Know Anne

1. Are you a boy or girl? Girl

2. How old are you? 23

3. What is your Chinese Zodiac sign? A Snake

4. What is your Zodiac sign? Gemini

5. Who is your best friend? My best friend is my best friend

6. Who are your favourite actor[s] that you think is hot? Ryan Gosling & Channing Tatum

7. Who is your favourite actress? Dakota Fanning

8. Who is your favourite band? Boys II Men ?

9. Who do you love the most? Hmm...............

10. What is your favourite colour(s)? I like all colours.

11. Would you give up everything you had for your soul mate? Probably... Depends.

12. Are you single? Yes

13. What if you met your soul mate at the wrong time? Then hes not my soul mate.

15. If you could have one fictional characters mind for a day, who would it be and why? Spiderman.. because i'd have spidey senses.

16. If you could be a magical creature, what would you be? Dont Know.

17. Jacob Black or Edward Cullen? None of the above

18. Twilight or Harry Potter? Harry Potter

19. Burn in the sun or Sparkle? Sparkle

20. Would you go all the way on the first date? Never

21. Thing you hate about boys' appearances nowadays? Jeans so baggy their boxers show. Ew.

22. Hug or Kiss? Hugs are more sincere

23. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I'd like to go to New Zealand and to Bora Bora, oh and Egypt.

24. Imagine. It is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, and you hear someone walking around outside your window. Who do you call? Whoever is in the house with me.. if Im alone probably my brothers.

25. What have you been thinking about lately? What Im going to do to occupy myself now that Im car-less for 3 months

26. If you could be in your dream place at the moment, what would you be doing? Hmm.. I would be with him right now having a good conversation.

27. If somebody was describing your personality what would they say? That Im very positive, selfless and easy to get along with.

28. What gives you butterflies in your tummy? Ummmmmmm... I think only one person has that effect on me.. so HIM.

29. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? Easy. Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, DUH. Or-- extra cheesy nachos with extra sour cream. oh and Gingerale if possible.

30. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? An owl. Because I get to quietly observe everything and everyone without saying anything. And I got a birds eye view ;)

31. When you were little, who was your favourite super hero and why? Cant remember. Care Bears?

32. What's your favourite thing to do in the summer? Try new things

33. If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you? It would be about how random my life is.. how lucky i am at times and how unlucky I am.

34. If you were an ice cream flavour, which one would you be and why? Vanilla. Because Im quite simple.

35. What's your favourite cartoon character, and why? Umm I cant think of one, sorry

36. Are you a morning or night person? Night. My brain is so active in the night, I think about the coolest things.

37. What are your favourite hobbies? Listening to music for sure.

38. What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike? Sometimes Im a little impatient (I have gotten A LOT better), Im too trusting and I forgive way to easily-- yes those are things about myself that I dislike.

40. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction? Romantic Comedy I guess..

41. If you were a comic strip character, who would you be and why? I dont know.

42. What thought or message would you want to put in a fortune cookie? Be grateful for the fortune cookie you just ate and for having hands to crack it. :)

43. If you had to give up a favourite food, which would be the most difficult to give up? BCS

44. What is one food you'd never want to taste again? Cant think of one

45. If you won a lottery ticket and had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay any bills I have firstly. Buy myself a nice car.. donate to the humane society (seriousley) and then buy my loved ones things that they have always wanted :):) -- oh and maybe invest it in something that will grow a lot of money.

46. You've been given access to a time machine. Where and when would you travel to? Back to when my Dad was a child, I would love to see how he was and see my grandparents.

47. If you could be any superhero and have super powers, which one would you like to have and why? To be invisible

48. What do you think about the most? The most randomest things.. I think about how things evolved.. I think about how my day went.. New technology that would be cool.... etc.........

49. If you could transport yourself anywhere instantly, where would you go and why? To Italy. I miss it so much

50. In your opinion, which animal is the best (or most beautiful) and why? I think all animals are beautiful in their own way. However, I love dogs. I think they are so loyal and sweet!

51. What is one item that you really should throw away, but probably never will? My old journals and notebooks

52. Growing up, what were your favourite toys to play with as a child? My unicorn stuffed animal and cars... ( I grew up with two brothers)

53. Who is the most relevant person in our time? Theres more than one.

54. What is the title of the best book you have ever read? The Alchemist

55. What is the name of the best movie you have ever seen? Man on fire............ The notebook, I dont know

56. What comes to mind first when you hear the word "reality"? "Back to life, back to reality"

57. What is the most beautiful thing about people? Their spirit, their personalities.. their ambition.

58. What is the most nicest thing you have ever done for someone? Too many to count

59. If you could change one thing about yourself what would you change? Why? Physically, I wouldnt change anything. BUT- I wish I knew how to say no to people sometimes.

60. What is the ugliest thing you know? Selfishness...........

61. What do you like to do most with a free hour?  Surf the internet, read a book...

62. What is the most significant event of the last three months? HA- My DUI :( THIS TOO SHALL PASS :)

63. What was the best day of your life? Hmm.. Theres many. A day in 2007, When I met two of my favorite rappers, Swimming with dolphins, Graduation, Seeing my Dad after so long... a lot of things.

64. On what basis do you select your friends? I dont know...

65. What is the most sweetest thing someone has told you? That they wish their daughter grows up to be like me.. and that I was raised very well. :)

66. What is the greatest problem in your life? Umm- That time is not moving fast enough. Day 4 of 90.

67. What thing makes you most humble? Everything and Everyone

68. What is the greatest value that guides your life? Happiness

69. If you could smash one thing and one thing only, what would you smash? Umm not sure.. nothing I can think of.

70. What is the greatest crime one person can commit against another? Murder.

71. For what do you think you would be willing to lay down your life? A lot of things

72. What do you feel when you stand on the shore of the ocean? Fear that I may fall in

73. If you were to stay in a room with one person for a year who would it be? Him.

74. What sound would you use to sleep? The sound of my fan

75. If an atomic bomb were to explode a block away in ten minutes, what would you do for those ten minutes?: Run

77. Choose a word that best describes your life up to this moment? Unpredictable.

78. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? Life.

79. What is your biggest worry? Haaaaaa....... I have many worries...

80. What do people like best about you? I think people like that Im always positive and Im a free spirit- regardless of what life throws at me.

81. What do you think of when you think of tragedy? Death.

82. What skill do you need in order to succeed? Optimism

83. What talent should you develop? Dont Know

84. Choose a word to describe a sunset? Relaxing

85. When do you feel most lonely? Well I felt very lonely when I got my DUI and was sitting in my room.. alone, with nothing to do.

86. Choose a word you to describe the elderly population? CUTE and wise :)

87. What future discovery do you anticipate the most? The cure for Cancer, MS and other deadly diseases.

88. What is the greatest music ever composed? Hip-Hop.. Duh

89. Did you, as a child, ever run away from home? Nope.

90. What’s your favourite drink? Gingerale

91. The best day this month? Its only the third day into this month.. so i'll pass.

92. If you were a car, what would you be and why? A Honda Civic....... Reliable and im not high maintenence :D

93. What was your favourite food as a child? Do you eat it now? weirddddddd- but I made my own recipe.. taking peanut butter on bread and sprinkling sugar.... no I dont eat it anymore

94. Share a quirky habit you have. How long have you had it? I have 40540450 Quirky habits..

95. Have you ever been told you look like someone famous? Yes....but Im also modest ;)

96. What's the worst thing you did as a little kid? wipe my boogers on grass

97. I really crack up when... Im not supposed to be laughing but I do

98. What was your most memorable birthday? My 23rd was pretty memorable :)

99. Favourite TV show? Too many

100. Favourite character from that show? ........

101. Favourite country besides your own? Italy

102. Favourite person? Ou- I have about 3 of them..........

103. What is your name? Anne

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