Tuesday 10 July 2012

Water For Granted?

I've always thought about this for a while and its time I just let it out. If you're reading this from anywhere in the North America or in any other developed nations.. chances are good that you can easily go to your kitchen and get yourself a glass of clean, cool water. Right? Or if you've had a long stressful day.. you can come home to a nice warm bath... right?

Unfortunatley, that's not the case in some parts of the world. In such places, children have to walk miles and miles just to get a bucket of murky water.. Which they then have to carry back to their families. These families often have to go to the nearest body of water and bathe themselves there. Picture a swamp.. you wouldn't dare step foot in it.. but sometimes thats what people have to bathe in. Its hard to picture, given that we don't have such circumstances.. but it's real.. and it's happening in other countries out there.

As Canadians, we go swimming, play with water balloons, go to swimming lessons, have water parks, beautiful fountains to look at and various other activies in which we participate which have to do with water..........Which is fine and all, we have the luxury of water, so why wouldn't we?
But, a child in a non-developed country is literally dying to just have ONE sip of water.. but we are here PLAYING in water? making water balloon PRANKS out of water??.. We are so PRIVLEDGED!! We are so fortunate to have access to clean, drinking water.

We often take our water here for granted, but we shouldn't. SO, appreciate every sip of water you drink.. and when you're out there playing in water... remember that there is someone out there who would die for a sip of it. Just be thankful.. be grateful.. and give to others and charity when you can.

1 comment:

  1. Good way to look at it (water and recreational activities). What country are you in btw?
