Monday 2 July 2012


If you havent already realized by now.. I think a lot! And about random things too...

When I was in my grade 10 Chemistry class, I was in a heated debate against my whole classroom on whether or not Unicorns exist.

Ok-  I dont know if I wanted to believe they were alive because when I was young I had this Unicorn plush toy that I slept with everyday--- or if I just felt that they really did exist. Whatever it was, something always made me believe that they did in fact exist.

Think about it- has one single person ever travelled all four corners of the universe, climed every mountain or searched in every field to say that they do not exist? I dont think so.

I can see how its impossible for them to fly, given that they weigh a lot. Fine. But, I really do think there are horses out there with horns on the front of their head. I really do. What if Rhinos are just fat Unicorns? Hmm

I dont know where Im going with this but there is a huge possibility that unicorns exist. There are so many species of animals living on uncharted places in the world that still live undiscovered... there is a chance. After all, it is just a horse with a horn jutting out of its forehead. There are whales with a horn growing from their face, so why can't there be horses? Even if they don't exist on Earth, there is a chance of them existing on other unknown planets. Even if they don't exist now, they at least used to.

And that makes me wonder.. what if theres a secret land out there has all these mystical creatures? Hmm, that would be quite interesting!!

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