Friday 27 July 2012

Too Many Sacrifices?

I dont know if I should be happy or angry.........
Ok so, you all know I'm madly in love with Rob. Rob who is missing and never in my life. Yes, that Rob. However, I have started to get closer to someone who is just a friend BUT I am confused for the first time in my life.

This guy is sooooo funny and he makes me laugh so much. He is also very witty (which I love) and we have some of the best conversations together.. (about religion and philosophy and all that stuff)... and Im confused now because he is making me feel different.. and I dont know how I feel about it.

I've already told him we can only be friends because I would end up hurting him. He asked "How" and I explained to him that I was still in love with Rob and that I wasn't looking to be with anyone else.. Ofcourse, he thought I was crazy but he really understood me.

I'm not confused to whether I like this guy more than Rob or not. Hells no. I am clearly madly in love with Rob, more than I could ever be with anyone else.. and I dont even really like this new guy yet but what Im confused and angry about is this...

Am I pushing away opportunities for myself? Am I ruining what could be a good thing? Is it worth it?

I say.. YES it is worth pushing everyone away for Rob and I will continue to do so.. but what if in the end I'm not with him? What if I end up single for the rest of my life because I keep pushing everyone away and Rob still doesn't come to claim me?............THIS is what bothers me.........

OK, Im done.


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