Monday 2 July 2012

Nice, France

                                Beautiful Nice, can you spot the Lighthouse that I spoke of?

When we arrived at the airport in Nice, I just knew we were going to love it.

We were greeted by the French Alps which we could see in the distance, it was breathtaking.

We found it amazing how different South France is from Paris. Nice had palm trees, warm weather, the hot sun, metitreanean sea! and lots of friendly people.

We got into our hotel, changed into our dresses and ran to the sea. Oh, the sea was breathe taking! It was blue and green. It looked like a big jolly rancher drink, you just want to drink it. It was salty too.

We had gelato, went to the waterfall, went to the old village and walked along the beach. We walked on our feet from one end of Promenade De Anglais to the other end. I kid you not.

One day at the Sea, me and Lola spotted a cute red lighthouse at the end of the coast. It seemed to be very far away but we were on a mission to get to that darn light house. We walked along the shore all the way to the light house. It took us a long, long time but we made it. Once we got there, we had to walk across a very thing board walk over the water. We were petrified. It was so windy on that end of the coast and we thought if we walked across, we would definitley fall into the Sea.

I spotted a ladder then went down and so we took the risk to go down it to get towards the light house without having to walk across the board walk. It may have been one of the scariest moments in my life, but we did it anyway and we finally got down.

Once we got there, we realized that it was deserted and no one was on the end of the coast. We were LITERALLY on the edge of Nice. It was super windy and the tides from the Sea came up so high that it was impossible to not get wet. We were so scared for our lives in that moment that we decided to quickly take a picture by the light house and RUN for our lives.

And so we did...

Almost every night we went to Waynes Bar which is one of the most famous Bars in Nice. The music there is AMAZING and the staff is so nice!! We ate nachos, drank beer and just had a good time.

There are many other memories, but obviousley I'm way too lazy..

Ok bye.

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