Monday 2 July 2012

Monte Carlo, Monaco

                                             The Monte Carlo Casino From The Outside

Monaco is the wealthiest country in the world, and its easy to tell once you get there.
Their street clocks are rolex clocks and the country is so well kept!
The locals drive nothing less than a Buggati or Rolls Royce. Im serious!
Everyone dresses in suits and the police officiers look like they belong at the Buckingham Palace in London. Everything is just so extreme and beautiful.

We went to the city Monte Carlo, where the Prince of Monaco lives and where the world famous Monte Carlo Casino is.

We walked into the Monte Carlo Casino and were left speechless. The security is intense and the amount of people who were standing outside admiring the Grand Prix Vehicles was just too much.
When we entered, we had to check in our purses and cameras.
Dammit, now we cant take pictures inside the casino! I thought to myself.
We had to show our passports and pay 20 Euros just to get into the Casino, but it was well worth it.

When we got into the Casino portion, it was like a scene from Oceans Eleven, but better!
The architecture is just amazing, the paintings in the casino were beautiful and did I mention the staff at Monte Carlo? They are so professional and spify.

When we walked towards the tables, we were greeted by the dealers who looked like they were ready to go to the alter for their own wedding. They were dressed ever so well! Everyone was standing around with drinks in their hands and quietly gambing.

Its  not like your usual Casino, its very quiet at Monte Carlo. Everything is private and tailored for you!

Anyways, let me cut to the best part.. the WASHROOMS!

I kid you not- the washroom doors are made of GOLD and the floors have crystals in them. The toilets are just amazing! When you flush the toilet (by waving your hand) the seat spins around and scrubs the entire seat, dries it and tells you to have a nice day. Im not joking.

Everything in Monte Carlo is just GRAND...........loved it! Would go back again :)

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