Tuesday 10 July 2012

He Say, She Say

This is going to be a complete rant..

This is a situation that happened a couple months ago but it really irks me and is bothering me right now. So, what happened was that someone who is a lot older than me (who you would think would be mature and have better things to do) went and told somebody else something that I did not say.

A told B that I said I was going to marry C and move to his city.. or something of the sort..

Firstly, me and C are not together... nor have I once mentioned C's name to A!

B & C are good friends.. and so, C told me what had been said.......

Because C wants to maintain his friendship with B, I am sworn to not confront A about this.. and BOY am I itching.. but I won't.....ever.

I've tried to be civil with A and be normal with A aswell but its just too hard. I hate being fake and putting on a front because my face can easily tell if im uninterested. Im glad that A til this day doesnt know anything because I havent said anything... but if I didnt care about B & C's relationship...... I wouldve already said something.

Anyways, Im not about drama nor will I ever be.. but a girl has to vent. I wish I knew A's motives.. or why A would say such a thing because to me it makes no sense at all. Im just so confused... and its like Im in the dark.. I cant get any answers to the questions in my head...

But for the sake of C............ I put this fiasco to rest.. I am done with it now..... I just wish in the future people wouldnt make up bogus for no reason at all. Some people just dont make sense to me.

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